Miss Madison’s Now A Mrs!
Madison was, indeed, late for her own wedding! ⏳⏱️👰♀️🤣 But it didn’t rain!

I figured I’d start with the photo everyone’s probably waiting for, even tho I like the 2nd one best of all. It’s my face seconds after the ceremony was over, as the bride & groom exited the aisle, which you can see behind my shoulder. Harold took that photo because he’s great that way. 🥰 Moments before, after the bride & groom said “I do” and were signing the documents, he whispered to me like an ASSHOLE, “your baby’s all grown up” & I LOST MY SHIT COMPLETELY, despite hating the cliche. I was FINE until that! gtfoh! 😭
I loved my outfit!
My dress was from @windsorstore & originally $160, but marked down to $40, and with a 15% off coupon code for signing up for their newsletter, it only cost me $34 + $11 shipping & tax! It was too long, so my friend lovingly hemmed it for me bc I was too scared to fuck it up & they are super kind. 🩷 The pashmina was $27 from Amazon! I also wore my white Doc Marten gladiator sandals, a necklace Madison gave me 1 year for Mother’s Day & my toenails were painted glittery magenta like my dress! I even put a pink glittery sticker over my glucose monitor, and a pink cover over my insulin pump! Oh & I wore a metric fuck tonne of holographic body glitter by @colourpopcosmetics that I think was a Powerpuff Girls collab & it STILL hasn’t come off completely!

I survived giving my speech/toast without clonazepam OR honestly that much anxiety! I read more of it than I’m happy with, but it didn’t feel as awkward in the moment as it looks on the video replay and I got applause & woooos, so whatever! 🤷🏼♀️ I asked my mom to hold the mic so I could hold my cards & raise my glass for the toast at the end bc it seemed fitting. Blake’s mom met Harold and they liked each other. She said it made her happy to see me so happy & it felt genuine. 💕 And my mom surprised me by NOT SMOKING bc she had quit 19 days prior! I’m so fucking proud of her!
Oh, and the 1st song that kicked off the dancing was “Crazy In Love” by Beyonce & Jay-Z, per my suggestion and they fucking rick rolled us! 🙀
We stayed until they started putting the booze & chairs away, and a good time was had by all! 💖💍💒✨