Finnish-Canadian Girls Do It Like…
We’ve been getting an unheard of amount of snow in my area the past 2 weeks! Normally it falls, then melts, then some more falls, then it melts, and this goes on all winter.
This year however, it’s falling all at once, and it’s stayed cold, so none of it is melting between dumpings. This means that there are currently 8-9 foot snowdrifts in my backyard and on my porch, and another 7 footer in my carport!

I’ve lived here since 2005, and I have NEVER seen a winter like this! All the roads in and out of my town have been closed for 2 days, with stranded folks sleeping in our community centre! I live right about where that “92” is on the left side of Elmvale on the map below. My road is closed too but this municipal map doesn’t show it because it’s a highway and a county road.
Since we’re stuck in the house, literally snowed in and couldn’t leave if we wanted to, I think I went a bit stir crazy yesterday, and made a video. Click below to watch it on Vimeo! There’s nudity but no sexuality!
Here are some screenshots that made me laugh:

So yeah, that’s what I did yesterday! I’ve always wanted to jump in the snow naked like my Finnish family, only I didn’t have a nice warm sauna to get in and out of before and after! It was the perfect opportunity, so I took it!
Afterwards and into last night, my back really hurt though, probably from all my muscles contracting so hard all at once. I actually ended up going to bed early because my back was so jacked up! I can still feel it today, but more in my skin than muscles! I have NO IDEA why people think shit like this is therapeutic in ANY POSSIBLE WAY! 🤣
Did it once, don’t have to do it again! Crossed that one off my bucket list and got a hilarious video in the process to play at my funeral! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
I’m oddly proud of myself for doing this in some weird way, but I can’t articulate why! Maybe for the creativity I had to use in even thinking of doing this? Maybe just for the bravery involved? Or the cleverness of counting on my security camera to be triggered and record a different angle? The video’s editing? All of the above?
Now I just want as many people as possible to see it because it’s fucking funny and I suffered for my art! Please show your friends! 🙏😘